• Welcoming Sustainable Business Cards

    In a world thriving with technology, Business Cards continue to hold their place as an essential networking tool. Serving as a reminder of connections made and bridges to potential opportunities, it’s no wonder these tangible exchanges have stuck around.

    Traditional (paper) business cards have had their ‘limitations’ and environmental impact for some time. SBFI Group are proud to announce the roll-out of sustainable NFC business cards to global teams.

    A modern-hybrid initiative.

    The initiative comes as part of our sustainability campaign for our 50th anniversary. Although it is deemed a minute step in the campaign, we believe it reinstates our modern, innovative approach to ordinary tasks – saving countless wasted cards every year.

    Opting for NFC cards creates a modern-hybrid solution to century-old traditions. We believe that card ‘trades’ are more than a contact exchange; they’re a formality, tradition and tangible interaction. Going fully digital would eliminate this characteristic – we concluded that the hybrid approach, meaning one card per person, was an ideal middle-ground.

    Bamboo NFC Business card on a desk, close-up.

    Environment friendly.

    Bamboo was favoured as the ‘go-to’ for our sustainable business cards, coinciding with our environmental values. Bamboo hosts renewable properties and produces little waste in manufacturing; additionally, it contains highly durable and recyclable properties perfect for our staff with an average 15-year tenure.

    Bamboo business card in black.

    We expect all staff to have made the switch once their printed cards have gone through their handouts so as not to incur waste. Conclusively, this is one small step in our bigger picture – follow us on our journey to a more sustainable company by 2026.

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