• Arc design team attends Red Dot Awards Gala

    The best designers and manufacturers, the winners of the Red Dot Award from across the globe gathered in Aalto-Theater, Essen on the 8th July 2019. The evening provided an opportunity for dancing, networking and discovering the award-winning designs.

    We had a fantastic night at the RedDot Gala in Germany, celebrating our own success but also engaging with top designers from all over the world. A highlight for us was relaxing at the after party with the Ferrari design team, who won Red Dot: Design Team of the Year 2019

    We are so proud of our design and engineer staff, both past and present, with the achievement of creating Arc with this accolade of a Red Dot award. It recognises the standard of products we produce and the ambition of the company to drive the future of workplace design.

    The quality from winners this year was so high, the solutions were thought provoking and had good balance of environmental, functional and aesthetic consideration.

    We took plenty of inspiration, and are well underway with more products for the range, so watch this space!

    Arc Monitor Arm wins Red Dot Product Award
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